English 9 Regents: Characterization Through Imagery

Characterization through imageryToday we examined the first two paragraphs of Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Men.  As they were examining Steinbeck’s use of imagery, they made a list of ten items they “saw” in Crooks’ room that demonstrated something about his character.

They then had to select the top three things they saw that really said something about Crooks and create three “I Think” statements and tell WHY they thought so about Crooks’ character.

After the three “I think” statements, they also had to write three things they wondered about Crooks based on what they “saw” in his room.

Students then shared what they SEE, THINK, and WONDER about Crooks through Steinbeck’s imagery.

After they shared on the front board (poster), they filled out an Evidence-Based Claim Form to prepare for a characterization paragraph about Crooks based on the imagery of his room in the stable.

Forming EBC Characterization Through Imagery