English 9 Enriched: Mythic Journeys (Pt 1)


Mythic Journeys

We watched the riddle/storytelling portion of “The Bone Orchard” from the film Mythic Journeys.  In this section of the film, a corpse tells the King a series of stories (five are actually told, but 24 are referenced), each ending in a riddle for the King to answer.

The stories were: “The Three Brahmin,” “The Stupid Brothers,” “The Noble Emperor,” “Jacob and Isaac,” and “African Kin.”

For each group, they first had to discuss the King’s answer and present to the class why they believe the King thought it to be a plausible response.  Other groups have to then counter with why the Corpse did not accept the King’s answer, as well as compiling varying responses that COULD have been possible.

Ultimately, each group had to be sure to explain WHY there is no absolutely correct answer in each case.

After the groups presented to the class, we watched the King’s meeting with the Sorcerer in the Bone Orchard.

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